Avoid At All Costs

The European Union has banned over 1,100 skincare ingredients, while the U.S. has only banned 10.
Many U.S. skincare products labeled "natural" or "organic" contain the same ingredients as conventional drain cleaners, carpet cleaners, toilet cleaners, antifreeze, and other harsh products.

If we used a single unhealthy skincare product a day, this would be less of an issue.
We use, on average, 12 products daily.

We have to look out for ourselves.
We have to read ingredient labels on skincare products before buying them.
We should stick to buying products with a small number of healthy ingredients (just like our food)!
When in doubt, we should make our own products out of oils and items from our kitchen.

Ultimately, we should really try to avoid:

  • phthalates ('fragrance')
  • dioxanes ('sulfate')
  • petrochemicals ('petrolatum', 'mineral oil'...)
  • ammonia ('mea', dea', 'tea')
  • parabens 

Rather than dwell on what to avoid, let's dwell on what to use: basic products with a small number of natural (you can see grow out of the ground) ingredients!